Wednesday, April 4, 2012

SCM Public Service Aleart....

While searching for awsomeness for Destination Awsome (see the side bar) we ran across this artcle: This got us thinking about the following:

People all over the world have made a concerted effort to eliminate discrimination. No longer is it acceptable to judge a person on the color or race or nationality (you can still judge people though, so don’t get to worked up). Even the most frightening, possibly the spawn of Satan, people to ever walk the Earth (gingers) have support and anti-discrimination groups. In a world where it is not ok to mock and torment gingers, fat people, and latex lovers; we at State Controlled Media say “Hold up a second!”
We believe that there is one group that need extra scrutiny and ridicule (no, not French-Canadians), we are talking about southpaws. Left-handed people or people who have sinistrality are a great concern. The term to describe left-handed people (sinistrality) comes from the word sinister which means evil and bad but also comes from Latin meaning left side! In ancient times they believed that the left-handedness was the sign of the devil.
These people have special products and items geared for them, like watches, guitars, saws, guns and zippers. They make up less than 10% of the population and yet who among you has had to suffer the indignity of trying to use and every day item, like a can opener, and it was made for a lefty? How can such a small population of people garner such attention from greedy capitalists, they are in control. Look at the last several US Presidents. Obama, Clinton, GHW Bush, Regan and Ford. The only anomalies were Carter and W (who wants to claim them, right?) McCain, Perot and Dole were all also Left handers.
And they are so smug with their t-shirts, coffee mugs, and bumper stickers bragging about how great they are.

Through our careful and thorough research (we Goolged it) we found a code for lefties worldwide domination Wish we would have thought of that.

Want proof of the elietes attitude? In his book Right-Hand, Left-Hand,[29] Chris McManus of University College London argues that the proportion of left-handers is increasing and left-handed people as a group have historically produced an above-average quota of high achievers. He says that left-handers' brains are structured differently in a way that increases their range of abilities, and the genes that determine left-handedness also govern development of the language centers of the brain.

And..and they have a secret hand shake that can only be done with the left hand.
All we are saying is BEWARE OF THE SOUTHPAWS!
 If we had our way they would have to wear this:

Another Random Fact...

Theodor Geisel is possibly the worlds most renowned pornographer. Here is an example of his work:
So, why is Theodor Geisel renowned? He went by the pen-name of DR Seuss. Click on the picture if you don't believe us.It has been said that he told people he was a Doctor of gynecology

(Note: Random facts may or may not be actual facts. It is entirely possible that the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor just made it up...)