Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Supernatural Awareness Month: Hellhounds

We at state controlled Media have discussed this topic with contributing editors and we have drawn a conclusion. Many of our followers have no idea what a hell hound is so here is the classical definition:
A hellhound is a supernatural dog, found in folklore. A wide variety of ominous or hellish supernatural dogs occur in mythologies around the world, similar to the ubiquitous dragon. Features that have been attributed to hellhounds include black fur, glowing red or sometimes glowing yellow eyes, super strength or speed, ghostly or phantom characteristics, foul odor, and sometimes even the ability to talk.
Legend says that if someone is to stare into its eyes three times or more, the person will definitely die. In cultures that associate the afterlife with fire, hellhounds may have fire-based abilities and appearance. They are often assigned to guard the entrances to the world of the dead, such as graveyards and burial grounds, or undertake other duties related to the afterlife or the supernatural, such as hunting lost souls or guarding a supernatural treasure. In European legends, seeing a hellhound or hearing it howl may be either an omen of death or even a cause of death.

That is the legend. We are here to tell you that Hellhounds are indeed real. They have been known to cause madness in those they have close contact with. After exposure to hell hounds some people have flown into psychotic even murderous rages. We can assure you that hellhounds are lurking everywhere tormenting people and causing distress wherever they go. You may be affected and not even know it. You may yell at the wife and snap at the kids and have no idea that you mind is being twisted by a hell hound in the vicinity.
The hellhound that plagues the State Controlled Media headquarters neighborhood is the miniature pinscher that resides catty-corner from our compounds back yard. This particular Zwergpinscher yaps nonstop whenever the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor is in the yard. We speculate that the owners of said Min-Pin are evil apparitions with no soul. Mrs. Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor was so offended that she went to confront them and though we knew there was a presence in the house no one would come to the door. Such as it is with evil spirits.
So be on the lookout. Unlike the legend hellhounds are diminutive, innocuous looking creatures. Some even call them cute. They suck unsuspecting people in and they bring the hellhounds into their home where they take over and then run amok over a whole neighborhood. Beware! BEWARE!
Oh, in the interests of being beneficial here is a link describing what to look for in hellhounds:
Hellhound Info