Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Supernatural Awareness Month: The Phantom Myth

So far we have covered the general premise, vampires and hellhounds. Now we tackle the ever popular Ghosts. We at State Controlled Media will believe just about anything you tell us, but we don’t believe in ghosts. Oh, we like everyone else have spun the proverbial parable around the old encampment conflagration, but that doesn’t mean we think they were true. Contrary to all the TV shows, pictures, documentaries, audio recordings and personal accounts we just know they are fake. To prove our point, we have never seen anything that was not there. We know of no one who has seen something that was not there. If you saw something that was there then how do you know it was a ghost and wasn’t really there? Also, how do you defend yourself against nothing? Nothing is an eventuality for everyone, so  how do you come back from that? Besides who are we to determine if there are ghosts anyway. Because we exist and have form then how can we be subjective on the possibility of not being? So, if we are then we are gone our existence is negated into a void and if we are negated then we cannot be.
Plus, ghosts scare us. Like we said you can’t defend against them or do anything to prevent them. There could be one behind you right now reading over your shoulder…
The scariest movie ever about ghosts? Ghost with Patrick Swayze.How he was always creeping around, watching people…touching them. Creeeeepy! He was trying to have sex with Demi Moore! To top it off he brings Whoopi Goldberg around...seriously! If that doesn’t frighten you I don’t know what does.
So it is safest to just not believe in ghosts. Unless you want Whoopi coming around.

Having said that there is a dissenting opinion at State Controlled Media that ghosts are indeed real. Here is what you need to do. Never turn off the lights, remove all objects that can be thrown, hurled pushed or otherwise molested in a mischievous fashion. No TV's in the house. Never get undressed (that means no showers, no sex and no changing clothes for seemingly no reason.) No small children,  and no ouija boards
And when you get fatigued and have to lay down follow this chart to be safe:
You can also follow tipsHERE.
If all else fails you know who to CALL.