Friday, September 30, 2011

In Defense of The First Galactic Empire (repost)(WARNING SCI FI TALK)

by Matthew Williams on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 2:50pm

Today a religious sect backed by wealthy monarchs toppled the duly elected government of a once proud republic.
Many people observed that the actions of the government over the last 30 years had created animosity towards it. Some even questioned the legality of the process for appointing its leader. It is hard to agree with many thing s the last administration had done in its efforts to “Preserve the republic, and protect it from all enemies foreign and domestic”. In fact, many polices were spawned in an effort to promote free trade. Conspiracy theorists said that the administration deliberately caused the trade embargos to solidify the public and gain further power.
Regardless of the short comings of this last administration, or whether or not you agree with the policies regarding trade and human rights, it is hard to be on the side of those who sought to destroy the representative government that brought this about. Should not have this been handled through the electoral process? The courts? It is hard to be on the side of those who brought down the government no matter how sympathetic you are to their supposed cause, especially when it is being fronted by religious zealots.

In the end you have to ask yourself, “Can I support a group of people who brought down a government perpetrating peace while murdering thousands of our soldiers and taking out our elected leader?” Only time will give us the answer to that question.

Sound like it could be ripped from today’s headlines yes? But it was not; in fact it happened: A Long, Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Far, Far Away.
That’s right! I am talking about the Rebel Alliance taking down the duly elected Galactic Empire. First the facts:
  1. The First Galactic Empire was headed by Palpatine a senator from Naboo, elected to Chancellor who became Emporer at the pleasure of the Senate.
  2. The Rebel Alliance was a well funded separatist movement lead by a religious sect and funded by wealthy monarchs like Queen Padme Amidala and Princess Liea as well as Bail Organa the monarch of Alderaan.
  3. The war could be boiled down to warring factions of the same religious sect; where one side believes that the other ‘worships’ incorrectly.

Those three points must be taken into account before any detailed analysis can be made. Before any of you come across with the ‘Palpatine worked to set up circumstances to solidify his power and take control” thing. Let me remind you that history is written by the winners and I fear you have been sucked in by the propaganda. The Trade Federation is a prime example of crony capitalism; where in an effort to gain market share a private company gets in bed with government and in the process solidifies the position of the elected official eventually under cutting their own position and destroying capitalism in the process (Rant for another day). So, the Trade Federation tries to work with the Republic and winds up fighting with the Monarchs.
The Religious sect, The Jedi, had power in the Old Republic when they found out that the Emperor worshiped the same ‘Force’ as they did but in a different way he was deemed “Too dangerous to live”. They had no other evidence of a crime other than he was a ‘Sith Lord’. He was hailed at this point for ending the corruption of the Senate.  Queen Padme was a participating member of the republic who had an elicit affair with one of the members of the Jedi and turned on him when he refused to go against the legal government. Meanwhile the Jedi sent the same member of their own council to spy on the leader of the republic. Is it any wonder the young man had misgivings and was confused?

The Jedi are a whole story on their own. The scour the galaxy looking for youths to indoctrinate in their religious practices; taking them away from family and friends and then putting them into dangerous situations. In the case of Luke Skywalker, one of the Jedi-the same on who ruined Luke’s father-was living in a cave and recruited a local youth to attack the empire. The Jedi even helped develop and fought along with a clone army. They were fine with it until it no longer served their purpose and then the clone army became a toll of evil. Hypocrisy at its finest!

The Rebel alliance also has dealings with known gangsters and smugglers. For pay mercenaries who would throw their lot in with anyone. In fact theses people became military leaders like Han Solo and Lando Calrissian. The Empire did use bounty hunters; this is true; mainly after certain parts of the galaxy became so inhospitable to the citizens of the Empire that it became too dangerous to search out single individuals.  Both parties are stained with guilt.

As I mentioned earlier, if you believe that the Rebel alliance is the “good” guys you have swallowed the propaganda. I submit that over the years the films have been edited to make the already sympathetic rebels look even more magnanimous. For instance when Han Solo murders a bounty hunter in a bar-a legally authorized debt collector-he is hailed for it. In later years the top propagandizer. Manipulated the film to make it look like Han was shot at first when he clearly killed Greedo from a hidden pistol under the table. Then we are supposed to believe the Han and Jaba have a friendly conversation moments later?

Personally I don’t see how anyone could root for the so called “Rebel Alliance”. What are they rebelling against? A duly elected representative republic; a misguided, some would say naive body, that appointed an Emperor. The Rebel alliance is an Oligarchy plain and simple. On the separatist worlds you would notice the lawlessness and corruptness that is allowed as long as it disrupts the Empire. This form of governance is good for the select few who have money or royal linage. You also note that Monarch usually claim that power has been vested in them through an act of divine providence.  I am no fan of the Empire however I am not one to follow cultists into a violent overthrow of a legal government. I would prefer that they worked within the system to affect change. Even though the Emperor has the same religious beliefs as the Jedi he derived his power through the electoral process. Let’s hear what he has to say:   

“We are an Empire ruled by the majority! An Empire ruled by a new Constitution! An Empire of laws, not of politicians! An Empire devoted to the preservation of a just society. Of a safe and secure society! We are an Empire that will stand for ten thousand years!" Palpatine

Which would you rather support an Empire  of laws or a a Confederation of Monarch who wield their power through religious fanatics?