Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Telling you what to watch...Stranger Things Pt1

So the Mrs wanted to know why I had not reviewed Stranger Things; a new series on Netflix. The reason is I have not yet finished watching it. It is hard to tell you if something is worth your valuable time if I am not even halfway through it yet. However, this series is a bit different. I suggest you go watch it right now if you are a fan of Stephen King, John Carpenter, Steven Spielberg, 80's horror films, or 80s Sci-fi. There are so many easter eggs, nods too and homages that you will be dizzy trying to keep up. From the title card and theme music I was hooked. I have seen references too Jaws, The Thing, Poltergeist, It, Cujo, Stand By Me, Needful Things, ET, old video games, Fire Starter. The plot seamlessly weaves through all of this so it fits together and stands well on its own as a horror story. It would be a good story with out all the trimmings but the extra coat of nostalgia really sells it. And that's why you should watch before I find out if the show takes a giant fall. You will get a kick out of the story and characters and the setting and all the little details, at least for the first 5 episodes.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Telling you what to eat???

Spirulina Dream...spirulina...I went to the store to buy some cookies, so of course I bought a handful of protein bars, pickles chocolate milk and a few other things. SPIRULINA. I am a man who lives off protein bars, so every time I see a new kind I am almost compulsively driven to purchase them. Also, when I see something different than; peanut butter, peanut butter chocolate, chocolate peanut butter, mint, mint chocolate, chocolate chip, chocolate chip cookie dough, brownie, fudge brownie and salted caramel (which is usually a brownie bare with or without chocolate chips  with caramel drizzle over the top). spirulina.

I tore into the package as you can see above saw the color and Immediately googled Spirulina, feel free to click the link to read about it yourself. Its algae. it gives the bar a delightful deep green color.

It smells fruity with a hint of nuttiness. So I took a bite. What is that flavor? Second I know this flavor it tastes kind of like cashew cookie from Lara bar

If you look the two bars (aside from the green) (Hah, I referenced an aside in an aside). The two bars taste a lot alike, but the Spirulina is a lot greasier/oily texture. and reminds me of something...something...ahhh hahh!
SO there you have it, try a Spirulina Dream and decide for yourself?

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Telling you what to watch...A tail of two movies

The Mrs and I had night to watch a couple of movies and enjoy some pizza. The movie we watched were in order: London Has Fallen and Spy

London has Fallen Synopsis
Secret Service agent  Mike Banning finds himself trapped London  in the wake of a terrorist attack; using his inside knowledge, Banning works with MI6 to rescue the President from his kidnappers.
What's that? it sounds familiar? Ahhh...I see what you have done. You have confused London has Fallen with this:
See its totally different; in Olympus has Fallen Secret Service agent (and former presidential guard) Mike Banning finds himself trapped inside the White House in the wake of a terrorist attack; using his inside knowledge, Banning works with national security to rescue the President from his kidnappers. Duh.
After thinking about it I am almost Sure the VP played by Morgan Freeman is working with the Terrorists to gain the Presidency
My opinion: Awful movie, just awful the plot made no sense. believability was out past Pluto and then was downgraded to a dwarf plot. The only interesting part was the Mike Banning character was really stabby...really stabby
Overall the movie had a silly plot, ridiculous physics, nonsense dialogue and giant leaps of logic.
Don't waste your time.

SPY Synopsis
(Full Disclosure I really dislike Paul Feig and Melisa McCarthy movies)
Spy is a movie written and directed by Paul Feig and staring Melisa McCarthy. Paul Feig is best known for directing movies like Bridesmaids, The Heat, and the new Ghostbusters re-boot. Melisa McCarthy is best known for staring in movies like Bridesmaids, The Heat, and the new Ghostbusters re-boot.
First the reason I watched, A lot of people I trust vouched for this movie as a good funny movie. So I gave it a watch. The poster and trailers do not give an accurate feel for what this movie is about. Overall the movie had a silly plot, ridiculous physics, nonsense dialogue and giant leaps of logic.
Give it a watch, you will really enjoy it. It is not Hot Fuzz funny but what is?

So there you go...what's that? You are saying I basically gave the same review for both movie recommended one and shit on the other?
Well one was taking itself really serious couched in the guise of a movie with political overtones. In doing so it made me call bullshit. The other was a comedy a farce it made no bones about it. That's why I can recommend it.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Telling You what to Drink...Mtn Dew Black Label

Ahhh...Mountain Dew. The official drink of State Controlled Media. That being said we don't really like all the variations of the drink. They all seem to be a mix of Hibiscus tea and hummingbird feed. So you can't blame us when we weren't too excited when we saw this; that being said we did only contemplate buying it for all of a half second before it was in our cart. The official description is a berry drink with craft bitters.
The Berry part...GRAPE.
To be succinct the Dew is Dew with grape juice and what can be best described as this:

a Sour Patch Kid. I have to say I didn't hate it, I actually liked it (the Mrs did not). Having said that; I haven't bought any more and I doubt I will. I liked it I would drink it again but only if it magically showed up without having to make any effort to acquire it.
Having said that you should try it.
There a review of a contradictory drink with contradictory flavors and a contradictory endorsement. 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Telling you what to blog...Motivational Post

Lets face it famous people are smarter, better looking and more intelligent than you. I mean when was the last time you said anything anyone wanted to repeat...that wasn't testimony in a court?


#10 Write inspirational/motivational post with famous quotes 

A few quotes from your betters

“To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable.”  Oscar Wilde

"Hard work never killed anyone; but why take a chance" Edgar Bergin

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”        Albert Einstein

“Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.”  
    Mark Twain

“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”        Douglas Adams

I love mankind ... it's people I can't stand!!”       Charles M. Schulz

“I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally. ”       W.C. Fields

“I do not want people to be very agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking them a great deal.”  
    Jane Austen

“I have great faith in fools - self-confidence my friends will call it.”  
    Edgar Allan Poe

So there. Go forth and be inspired. What you expected something else from this guy?

On a side note while researching this post; the past had way better smart-asses than the present. Sardonic has been replaced with mean-spirited.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Telling you what to watch....Mr. Holmes Is it any good?

The Mrs and I took the children and my mother to see the Tarzan movie (See Review here). After I gave my  somewhat subdued Critique She proclaimed "you just don't like movies anymore".

Well, guess what? I do, I loved Mr. Holmes. Full disclosure, I am a huge Sherlock fan and have watched a lot of renditions of the character. I have read all the stories several times. He is one of my favorite fictional characters.

This movie, taken at face value, is about an aging Sherlock, about 93 or so, who has lost or is losing his mental prowess. He is desperate to solve his last case. It was a case he had already solved and made him want to retire 30 years prior, only now he cannot remember why he chose to live in isolation on the coast raising bees.

So many subtleties, so delicate of story. The pacing the characters, the dialog, were superb. There was a great moment where Mr. Holmes evaluates what it means to be  Sherlock Holmes.
It is demonstrating the benign act of aging through the absurd character of Holmes. It has nothing to do with a detective story that is why it is a case he already solved. It is everything to do with a person being old and dealing with it.

Now I had another theory, What if this was not a story about and Aging Sherlock Holmes but just a rich old man in his dotage who thinks he is Sherlock. Parts of the movie where other characters call him by his name could be using it ironically (you know like some one says "no shit Sherlock), especially at a time when this type of aging was not dealt with.  after a quick second viewing, the theory does hold up. I don't know if the movie makers intended this or not.

No matter which way you look at it, it is a elegant story, and very touching. It is out on DVD, I suggest watching it.