Saturday, October 25, 2014

SuperNatural Awarness...Troglodytes

Troglodytes are humanoid reptilian creatures they have basic intelligence. They stand about 5ft in height, have a basic humanoid shape, they have three fingers and a thumb. The skin is tough leathery and they have lizard like tail and talons on their feet. Their skin pigment tones have the ability to change colour to match their surroundings much like that of a chameleon.
Troglodytes are a feudal race having warring tribes. They have very basic technology; they construct crude weapons such as flint axes and javelins. They are ferocious creatures that hunt down other creatures for meat. They were said to raid human settlements to capture the young for food.

Oh, and if you want to Google an image be careful or you will find things like this:
Yes, that is a chimp peeing.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Suppernatural awarness-Clurichaun

The Clurichaun is the Leprechaun’s obscure drunken cousin

The Clurichaun is thought to be the surly drunken cousin of the famous Irish Leprechaun. Clurichauns are supposed to protect your wine cellar if you treat them well – but if you do not, they mess up your house and spoil your wine
If you incur the wrath of a Clurichaun by stealing wine or being a drunkard, he will torment you endlessly, hiding in a cask to follow you wherever you move.

So basically, this is the brother-in-law of the Leprechaun world

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Supernatural Awarness-Vampire Cat

A hell spawn creature bent on vengeance. The resurrected feline with blood thirst is a result of having been killed by man with disrespect. It is said that the only way to prevent a cat form rising up from the dead ,if it has to be put down, is to treat it with respect and a proper burial service. Or to consume part of the cat before it is killed...
So, kill the pussy but be nice about it or before you kill the pussy you should eat it.

Moment of Zen...

The famous saying of Ch'ing-yüan Wei-hsin (Seigen Ishin):
There, don't you feel better?

Telling you what to watch...

The Flash


We at State Controlled Media love superheroes, and everything associated with the genre. Movies, games, comics; It is all good.  Well, almost.

I bet you know who this is:


And I bet you know who this is:


And these guys:


So why is it every time Hollywood re-boots a superhero franchise they have to tell us the origin of the characters?

We all know what we need to know.


Which brings me to the Flash. Ironically the Flash could not get through the Origin Story fast enough. We all know the flash is the cat who can run really fast. As, if you needed to hear a mysterious bolt of lightning from a particle accelerator gave him super powers….yawn. The comics have given the Flash any number of powers over the years attributed to many different things and modified them as need for plot without having to start over and explain where the hell it came from.

AS for this Flash, he beat the bad guy (yes, it looks like a show that will set up a freak of the week scenario to give the Flash something to do) by…wait for it…running really fast.




Yup that’s it. He Usain Boldt’ed the bad guy into…getting shot by a cop. The police took out the bad guy. Something that could have happened at any point by the way. The Flash can be such an interesting character. But no, they made him a lovelorn, goody-two-shoes, who thinks his powers are “cool” oh and everybody knows who he is! Really, the mask who needs it no less than 5 people know for sure this guy runs fast.  Just don’t tell the girl he grew up with that thinks of him like a brother that he has the hots for….just ….eeewwww