Monday, June 17, 2013

Telling you what to watch...Fathers Day Edition

Daughter Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor wanted to take her dad, me, the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor to the movies for father’s day.  Father’s day has to be the greatest holiday ever! It is a day that is recognized that Dad gets to do as he pleases and a day that the only major sport not on TV is the NFL (also known as the reason I do not watch sports on TV on Father’s Day.) It is a day to celebrate the fact that dads everywhere got to do the one thing all dads like to do with their favorite thing to do it with. Win, win, win! It’s like a giant Lonely Island video. Fathers Day Tribute Video
In honor of the day Daughter PSBE took me to a coming of age story about a boy who is abandoned by his father and raised by another man. The new father wants the boy to follow in the family tradition and become a farmer; a concept the boy thoroughly rejects. Instead he sets out to make his own way in the world. He winds up taking odd jobs and moving constantly. He has to keep moving as he can’t seem to mind his own business and keeps getting into trouble. Eventually, he sorts it out; falls in love and settles on a career. Unfortunately, his dad had passed away some years before and did not get to see that his son made good.
His real father was also dead and could not appreciate the man the boy had become. So without his fatherly guidance it is implied that the son is going to deal with his daddy/abandonment issues by being overprotective to everyone he comes in contact with. I think they intend a sequel but I could not begin to guess what else they could do with the story unless his girl rejects him?
To surmise the movie plot: troubled youth, boy makes good, impresses girl, redeems wrong done to step-dad, solidify legacy of real dad and checks on Mom; oh and takes shirt off once and awhile as he is a pretty big dude.
I almost forgot! He took down his Dad’s former friend who betrayed him all the while dooming all the people related to him by blood to destruction.
So yeah an OK flick. Go see Man of Steel

 Update: I was asked why no spoiler alert...Seriously its Superman did you expect him to die at the end???