Friday, July 1, 2016

Telling you what to blog...A guide to chaging the TP

One of the hardest things to do when you are blogging is coming up with Ideas to blog about. Its not as hard if you are genre specific, like a movie blog, cat blog or porn. Even then fresh ideas on the same topic can be taxing. If you like to do a variety of things because you grow tired of everything very fast then you have to figure out a topic and have to make it interesting to boot.  Then I found the post 101 blog post ideas, and I thought ‘great they all suck’...but wait…I have an idea. Every week (Friday or whenever I feel like it or remember to hit the post button [Another aside: sorry to all the post I wrote over the last 2 years and never pressed the button and now they are dated and or irrelevant. {Can anyone offer a suggestion on how to dig yourself out of so many asides?}]). So, I won’t be doing all of them for various reasons, mostly it would be too much work. Or, it would cost money; we are not giving you people anything.


First up then: Make a comprehensive guide/tutorial




We can do this


What to do when you need to change toilet paper roll.


Section one triage:


  1. Determine if there is a spare roll with you (if yes skip to section 2)
  2. If no, evaluate the type of evacuation that had taken place an potential cleanup ramifications; i.e. self, clothes, carpet
  3. If no role and clean-up is an issue you can shower or use clothes to wipe and discard immediately.
    1. Alternatively yell for help if available

Section two; application of new roll:

  1. Remove remnants of last roll
  2. Put new roll on dispenser so that the tissue is feed over the top (there is on ly one correct way to do this, see reference photo bellow)
    1. Alternatively place roll on sink, wait for someone else to put on dispenser
  3. Enjoy the aesthetics of a properly affixed toilet tissue roll.






The original patent shows the only correct way to do this.