Thursday, June 30, 2016

Telling you what to drink...What is that flavor edition

Like most people we at State Controlled Media are addicts. Weather it is editor #6 Beanie Baby addiction, editor #12's dirt eating, editor 21 reading addiction or editor #4's issues (you don't want to know) we all have something. Yours truly loves the caffeine. part of that love is too drink lots of beverages that give you the fix. (except coffee, all you coffee swillers are disgusting heathens).

So in the spirit of doing as much damage to your system as you can y drinking a can of carbonated chemicals we are drinking a Monster for you.
Having consumed a lot of these I have my favorites. However the chance to try a new flavor is always fun.
So, we were presented with the above can. Camouflage that has to taste good right? I was expecting something mossy that smelled of patchouli oil. No.
I cracked the top and was greated by a smell that can only be described as old lady citrus. Now, most energy drinks don't smell great so I was not put off.
I took a pull.
is that?
Drink number two. No, this is not right.
Unsure of what it was I was drinking I poured some in a glass, Wow it looks like mountain dew.
I drank half the can still trying to put it together then I realized the can is the key, the pattern reminded me of something:

Now it wasn't watermelon I was tasting but it was definitely  melon, and lime. Pretty sure it was lime.

So there you have it. It looks like Mountain Dew and tastes like honeydew.
Verdict We didn't like it, you might; but you also could be doing what editor #4 is doing, you sick sick person you...