Friday, October 17, 2014

Devine Duce!!!!

WE at State Controlled Media Cannot believe we did it! We missed the blogs anniversary!!!! SIX effen years!!!! And no you cannot point out that we took the better part of several years off.

We have not gone away and I wanted to take a moment to thank my team of editors who have helped so much over the years coming up with new and fresh Ideas:

Now you see why we go months without content.
And thank you to our loyal readers; both of you.
This is for you:
The Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor

The Hardest Journey...

There before me laid the grandest natural obstacle that had befallen any man. There was only one choice. I heard the voice in my head; you have to go on. My inner drive was giving me no choice, I knew what I would have to give up to continue.  I gazed upon the mountain an swallowed deep. It was so large I could no fathom ever reaching the summit. The journey up had to begin with the first step all that had to be done was to take it. Isn't that the hardest part? My feet did not want to move and my stomach was heavy. I wanted to conquer this behemoth more than almost anything. My lips were cracked and my mouth was dry even after drinking a large Diet Dew to celebrate my journey. It seemed like sweat was coming from my eyeballs.

After what seemed like an eternity, I did the impossible I took my first step up the mountain. Guess what happened? Nothing. It was just one step after another and another and another and another. Soon I was at the summit ready to descend it wasn't as fun as I hoped it would be nor as rewarding.

SCM Editor 8: Um...excuse me PSBE.
PSBE: Yes?
SCM Editor 8: Are you just describing working the stack of papers on your desk?
PSBE: Yes.
SCM E8: ........

Anyway, the Journey down was more perilous than the assent. Paper cuts abound, and I think editor 4 was lost to the deep craves of the confidential shred bin...