Saturday, April 14, 2012

Well the votes are in...

We were testing the theory that the tittle of a post means more than the content. Well our contributing editors were correct. the post Hot Naked Chicks and Hot Naked Men is officially our most popular post to date. And it is probably the least interesting. This says more about how unimaginative we are with our blog titles than it does about the people who clicked the link. We would like to apologize to everyone who clicked the link looking for something awesome that only the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor could come up with and was treated to an experiment. In the future we promise to come up with an awesome post about naked people. Until then enjoy the Vision Test.

And here is a picture of an Angry Bunny:

Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Friday the 13th...

We were Wondering...

We at State Controlled Media are in awe of the classic Hollywood beauties who refuse to alter their looks in a vain attempt to stay young. One of those always gets a lot of exposure (we are not just saying that as she has appeared nude in films spanning 6 decades) Dame Helen Mirren. A more overlooked lady is Susan Sarandon. So we were wondering what she would look like in ten years. Our crack special effects staff worked up a graphic to show you. On the left is what Susan looks like today at age 65, on the right she has been aged ten years (approximately age 75).

 Amazing, though she is a bit rougher and more haggard she still would look amazing for a 75 year old.

Adventures with the PSBE...

The Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor spent the last several days in St. Louis Missouri. This was a break in his quest to dominate the world entertain and inform with the blog. There were several amazing fascinating interesting things that happened while he was there. This marks the beginning of a series of post about said experiences. So let us begin:

The Awesome shower that could have been

One of the things that the PSBE enjoys about traveling is the hot showers. Most hotels (Not the roadside shit hole in Chattanooga TN where the pool water was mostly urine) have an endless supply of hot water. And we mean scalding hot water. The PSBE likes to step out of the shower and have his skin red and steaming. It is the only way to remove the filth that is in the room.

This hotel was no exception. The only problem was the shower head only came up to mid chest. So for the PSBE to get the beloved hot water spray on his head he either had to kneel or do this:
So fair warning to all SCM followers who stay at the same hotel.