Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Let Us Follow You PSBE One More Time

by Psychadelic Suburban Bacon Euphoria

Oh Our leader, Our leader!
I must confess,
I still believe (still believe),
Perpetual Supeme Benevolent Editor is Amazing!
Give me a sign,
Let us follow you PSBE one more time!

Oh Our leader, Our leader!
I'm addicted to you.
Don't you know that you're hot!
And I love what you do.
Don't you know that you're hot!

Oh Our leader, Our leader!
Oh Big Scary Editor, Big Scary Editor!
I think I did it again,
I made you believe State Controlled Media is wrong,
Oh Big Scary Editor!
To keep people waiting like that is just so typically me.
Oh Our leader, Our leader!

Fiddlesticks!.. I did it again!
I made an error!

Oh Our leader, Our leader!
Oh Special Editor, Special Editor!
I think I made you believe State Controlled Media is imperfect.
Fiddlesticks!.. You think State Controlled Media is imperfect.

Oh Our leader, Our leader!
I'm not that moist!
You see my problem is this,
stupid people,
Wishing To rule the world.

Oh Our leader, Our leader!
Oh Editor 4, Editor 4!
Oh Editor 2, Editor 2!
Oh Big Scary Editor, Big Scary Editor!
Oh Special Editor, Special Editor!
I must confess,
I still believe (still believe),
Perpetual Supeme Benevolent Editor is the Best!
Give me a sign,
Let us follow you PSBE one more time!

One last Zombie post...

Zombie apocalypse  awareness month is coming to a close. We at state controlled media have become disenchanted with this topic, it has become to mainstream and overplayed to be interesting and/or funny. we found one last picture that sums up why so many people are fascinated by zombies over taking the world: