Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Telling you what to watch...Stranger Things Pt1

So the Mrs wanted to know why I had not reviewed Stranger Things; a new series on Netflix. The reason is I have not yet finished watching it. It is hard to tell you if something is worth your valuable time if I am not even halfway through it yet. However, this series is a bit different. I suggest you go watch it right now if you are a fan of Stephen King, John Carpenter, Steven Spielberg, 80's horror films, or 80s Sci-fi. There are so many easter eggs, nods too and homages that you will be dizzy trying to keep up. From the title card and theme music I was hooked. I have seen references too Jaws, The Thing, Poltergeist, It, Cujo, Stand By Me, Needful Things, ET, old video games, Fire Starter. The plot seamlessly weaves through all of this so it fits together and stands well on its own as a horror story. It would be a good story with out all the trimmings but the extra coat of nostalgia really sells it. And that's why you should watch before I find out if the show takes a giant fall. You will get a kick out of the story and characters and the setting and all the little details, at least for the first 5 episodes.