Thursday, March 8, 2012

Welcome to SCM Shakira...

As you may know, we at State Controlled Media track what countries our website is being viewed in. (It has been brought to our attention that the Big Scary Editor it freaky insane about privacy and uses an IP scrambler to mask where he is viewing the internet. We think that this more about getting free TV than anything else). Recently, a view from the country of Columbia registered on the stats page. To the PSBE this meant only one thing…Shakira was looking at the blog. We tried to explain that Columbia is a country of 46 million and the likelihood of Shakira being the one person who was looking was highly unlikely; but we could tell we had already lost him. He had a dreamy look in his eyes  and you could almost see a thought bubble above his head with this image:

So, welcome to SCM Shakira!
Also welcome Tawny Kitaen who began following the PSBE on Twitter. She has since stopped that is why no picture for her…