Friday, June 7, 2013

Telling you what to watch...

Now You See Me

The Mrs. and I were in the mood for some cinema. You see we were celebrating our 17th anniversary and there is nothing better than to sit in a dark room with strangers. As we were both Will Smith fans we really wanted to check out his new movie After Earth. Now as this is State Controlled Media and it is our job to tell you what to watch and not the other way around, we rarely listen to the average movie goers reviews. We do listen to professionals though. And when you see “Quite simply, this is one of the worst films of 2013” Chicago Sun Times and “Surprise — this bad dream is for real.” St Louis Post-Dispatch it gives you pause. So entertained by the negativity we decided to see what the people thought and their sentiments ranged along the same lines. While doing this we saw a lot of positive buzz for “Now You See Me” from the average person. The critics were giving it 5 out of 10 and the people were going 7. So we settled in on this movie.

The cast was great. Jesse (I play the same character in every movie) Eisenberg, Mark (shave already)Ruffalo, Woody (I give believability and likability to any character I play) Harrelson, Dave (the lesser known and possibly more talented and charming) Franco, Morgan (could you read the phone book for me) Freeman and Michael (Same as Morgan) Cain. The female character was flat uninteresting and played wooden by whatever her name was. She was so unlikable it wasn't worth the time to look her up. I am tempted to go over the plot as I have seen many discussions amongst the professional and amateur reviewers alike. I will not do this. The plot is meaningless. The beginning was fast paced and like any good magic show the misdirection was enough to trick you into thinking you are watching a decent movie.

A third of the way through it, the movie slowed down enough for me to start thinking. The last thing you want is the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor to have time to think. After 5 minutes of nothing happening I realized I hate this movie. The big reveal at the end shows how the magicians robbed banks and did their tricks. This only reinforced me hating this movie. The magicians simple tricks to robbing banks were so complicated and convoluted that it would have been more difficult to do than digging through the concrete and steel reinforced walls of a bank vault with a plastic spoon. That is how impossible it all was.

Every person who rated this 7 or higher (as of this writing it is an average 7.5 on most sites) and every critic who gave it 5 or higher (all scales out of ten) are missing the point. Who cares about the plot holes and the fact magic tricks are easy to do in a movie when there is no real effort involved! The movie was plain stupid! The big reveal at the end sucked the life out of everything you just watched. And don't even get me started on the motivations of the magicians in the first place. Their goal was to become so well known they can NEVER be seen in public again and steel millions of dollars and not keep any of it. S-T-U-P-I-D.

Damn you Will Smith for not making a better movie so we didn't have to watch this steaming heap!

I think I just got Played by M. Night And he really didn't make a movie and it was all a trick to get me to see Now You See Me...