Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Trip from the 60’s…the 1860’s Part 1

We at State Controlled Media took a trip to a Civil War expose commemorating the 150 anniversary of the war and all things 1861. The event took place in Herman Mo. The locals dressed in typical 19th century garb and showed the sightseers how the people of the time lived, worked, cooked and wasted time. State Controlled Media asked many questions about the authenticity of the various displays weapons and gadgetry. We were assured by the players that everything was true to the time.
One such player even remarked that even the horse excrement was authentic. That got us thinking, was it really? It has been 150 years; has there been no advancement in horse scat? Further investigation was needed. All query’s on the subject matter seemed to entice strong resistance; we suspected we were on to something. Finally we found a learned fellow who assured us that the horse chips were in fact genuine.
As it stands, we happened to accidentally steal our own sample. Seems the reenactment people were somewhat careless with the props and some found its way into our shoe's tread. We felt guilty and tried to report our crime to the local constabulary. For some reason, the local authorities were not interested in taking the evidence; they suggested, no, demanded that no one would care if we took it and examined it ourselves. Skeptical, we decided to follow the officer’s advice. We can now safely say…the horse plop; real…