Tuesday, December 27, 2011

SCM Holliday

The most auspicious of holidays (soon to be a national holiday) has come and passed. We at State Controlled Media would like to take a moment to address it. In case you missed it-and judging by our empty email account many of you had-We recently celebrated the birth of the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor. He had pre pared a short missive about turning another year older but we felt it was way, way to depressing. A sample: There has been but a paltry 13,505 sunrises in my life. I hath but not seen a handful of the most glorious and astonishing thing to happen each day. A reminder of creation that every morning that goes ignored by most and appreciated by too few. A sphere of utter energy breaks the horizon and the warmth of the glowing globe hits you face and enlivens you from 93 million miles away; a controlled explosion that is the most pivotal ingredient in the soup that is our life. The ancients worshiped the sun and gave it the reverence it deserved, planning their whole existence around its meanderings through the heavens…

Blah, blah, blah we were like who do you think you are Thoreau?  He gets like that this time of year and in fact asked that his birthday not be recognized. Our argument being that all great heads of state have a nationally celebrated birthday. The first step is to acknowledge that you do indeed have a birthday. The PSBE agreed to acknowledge that he HAD a birthday. So happy belated birthday PSBE! Too all our dedicated followers, the problem is that the PSBE does not share well and he kind of has to play second fiddle to Jesus. We asked is there one thing we-your contributing editors and followers can get you he replied that  there was, “Tomorrow look at the sunrise…”

Justin Bieber, coupons, Christmas,Happy birthday tome, happy birthday to me