Monday, December 19, 2011

Telling you what to watch…

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
The Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor was born, rightfully, the day after Jesus. Although this is a birthday of some distinction it has often lead to disappointing presents and or celebratory activities. This year Mrs. Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor said she was going to take PSBE to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie for his birthday...the catch being she wanted to take him nine days before his birthday. That’s ok; the PSBE is used to this sort of thing. So, the scheduled movie sojourn was to happen after a Christmas party in a small town about 45 minutes from State Controlled Media headquarters. The party came to a close and the State Controlled Media family headed back. Then, Mrs. PSBE said she no longer felt like going to the movies; “besides, we have a movie at home to watch.”
So, 127 Hours is the movie we watched. 127 Hours, 127 Hours…how to sum up this film? Man went hiking, fell in hole, arm trapped, he cut off arm after…wait for it…127 hours. There, that is the whole movie. Oh, he had to drink his own pee. This movie was nominated for Best Picture (no Really). We had High hopes. But, really what could you expect? We are only thankful that it wasn’t in real time. A two hour synopsis of 127 hours was long enough. At some point we were wondering if we could escape the rest of the film by cutting of our own arm.
The end of the movie there was a grand declaration about how the hero, who cut off his own arm, continues to hike and mountain climb to this day. We had a question. Since when did these avid hikers/climbers/cross country bicyclists become better than us? Seriously, a man who wanders around in the desert now has some sort of moral superiority over us because they are out there “living Life to its fullest”  By that definition homeless people should be treated as the high priests of our generation. We can guarantee you that if we partake in an activity that causes us to lose an arm and nearly die…we won’t do it again. Doing something that nearly kills you every time you try it is not “living life to its fullest” that has another definition. Insanity.
We love the great outdoors. But we don’t have anything to prove.
So watch Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. No matter what it is like it has to be better than 127 Hours.

Update: The Oatmel has summed it up CLICK HERE