Sunday, March 25, 2012

Telling You What to Watch: John Carter...

John Carter was a great movie. It was fun and exciting and had a good story to go with the special effects (did you hear that Micheal Bay???). Even Mrs. Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor liked it and it is Sci Fi after all. So why did/has it bombed? We at State Controlled Media have a theory. It is because of this guy:
The title of the movie is so lame you can't help but think of a wishy washy pasty white guy. Not this guy:
But This guy:
We are all about 1 hour medical dramas but that is not what you want your audience to be associating your movie with. You want them having pictures of this in their head when they hear the title:

Not This:
The movie is based of a novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs called Princess of Mars; a much better title that makes you think of this:
This could have drawn both Girls and Guys to see it. At the very least you could have called it what the comic book based off the books was called:
Instant Sci Fi classic. But no you went for the ER audience and that is exactly how many people went to see this movie. 4 stars for the movie -1 for the title.