Wednesday, October 3, 2012

And Then There Is This Guy....

We were on one of the many sojourns this summer that kept the State Controlled Laptop at home and kept us from posting. While driving home from our destination, we can get a little bored. Same cars over and over, old building trees and bad signs. BOOOOOOORRRRRRRRIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGG. And then we happened upon THIS GUY.

At first all we noticed was a boat on the highway, nothing unusual; people tow boats all the time then we saw what was doing the towing, a 1968 Plymouth Belvedere:

(Note: It didn't look this nice-lots more rust, and smoke)

Possibly one of the worst cars in history as for as MPG. Pulling a boat. We know a lot of you may not understand a lot about automotives; so lets just say towing anything causes you to use more gas. He wasn’t towing this:

He wasn’t towing this:

He was towing this:

We couldn’t wait to see who was driving this set up. We had to speed to get close to the driver because we knew it would not be long before he had to stop for gas. And then there he was; wearing a Hawaiian shirt, aviator sunglasses smoking a big ass Cigar:

All we could think was that dude might as well have a bumper sticker that says FU ENVIRONMENT.

Well Played sir, well played.