Thursday, October 4, 2012

Supernatural Awareness Month…

The Mole People:

The Mole people are humanoid mutants who live deep underground. They stand in the Six foot range or taller and have long, thick claws.

  The Mole People can burrow through the earth with surprising speed and are capable of easily dispatching a man who is caught unaware.

They often travel in packs and attack in the same manner.

WE at State Controlled Media did an informal survey (we asked a few people we know), do you know about the Mole People? When pressed for details most confessed they did not, some gave us information we found disturbing…more on that later; it is related.

We first learned of the mole people by watching this documentary:

It was hosted by Dr. Francis Condie Baxter of University of Southern California (USC). 

He is a graduate of Cambridge University and is an expert on inner Earth theories. Like most documentaries it was boring and there was not enough death.  But it did give us our first in-depth look at Mole People.

The evil, hideous, killing machines were…enslaved by humans…to HUNT…mushrooms??? Yes, once again human beings are proved to be the real monsters.

So instead of fearing the Mole People we should start a campaign to preserve there natural habitat. And unlike “saving the whales” and “saving the flys” Mole People are peopleish so it should be easy to drum up support!

Finally, there seems to be a subset of people who live underground in large cities who have formed there own communities and the residents of those cities call them mole people:

Humans underground doing whatever humans do frightens us more than we care to admit. We have seen enough movies to know what kind of evil twisted characters you find underground:

One last thing so called mole people: