Tuesday, October 2, 2012

One year in the books…

Our one year anniversary has passed without a single note from anyone…just like we like it. State controlled media has been read in 36 countries (we counted territories and principalities) and by hundreds of different people (yeah, no matter how we tried to jazz that up it sounds lame). The perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor has planned some changes for the site in the near future. Some made a comment that we would not make it a year (they were thinking how lazy we are since this doesn’t cost us anything) but we are committed to the long haul. We want to make this site better everyday but the real world gets in the way ( you know: wife, kids, video games and sports). That is why the changes are coming. We have focused so long on one aspect of our combined personalities that we are missing out on so much.

Our ultimate goal is WORLD DOMINATION to have our own domain; you know get out of the Blogger realm. You will soon see a knew serial story posted and we are half through about 30 different post (we got lazy during writing them and moved on. Some is awesome like the angry fridge and the bathroom assassin).

So here is to one year in the books! Thanks to all of our sheeple devoted followers. We value you and your ideas for content and making the site better. 

UPDATE: It has been suggested that we should have posted more. Well we had exactly 364 posts last year. we posted plenty. Sure there were lean times but there were times-o-plenty as well. Is it our fault you people cannot ration?