Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Telling You What to Watch...

We at State Controlled Media Were compiling our Best Christmas Movies Ever This Year list; while we were doing that we decided to check out some HBO. Turns out there is a movie starring Justin Timberlake on; In Time is a Sci-Fi thriller about the future of mankind. I mean the movie poster is epic! How could this movie not rock? The plot goes like this, when we turn 25 we stop aging and we only live one more year; that is unless you work, or gamble, or fight for more time. When you run out of time you jkust die out the spot. Money is gone and everything you need comes at the cost of your life, albeit in small increments. Justin’s mom was played by Olivia Wilde, yes that Olivia Wilde (Or more precise this one):
 (she is supposed to be 50 in the movie)

You ask how the movie could not have a huge Oedipus Rex conundrum. Well they did and they quickly solved it by killing mom off. Justin then meets Amanda Seyfried and they decide to take justice in their own hands and redistribute time to everyone. They proclaim that no one should live forever and all have the right to life! They were like a modern day Bonnie and Clyde mixed with a little Robinhood and spoiled daddy’s girl…Oh Amanda was a rich girl and her daddy had over a million years of time which they stole.
The protagonists are a cop with no motivation to continue his dogged chase other than he is supposed to and a gang member who steals time. The cop has a great confrontation with our heroes toward the end when all three are about out of time, but then he just dies and all the other cops just give up enforcing the law. We still had hope for the gangster though. Through the whole movie the characters referenced “fighting” for time. Justin said his dad died accidentally fighting for time. He promised his mother he would never go to the fights. Then in his confrontation with the gangster he has to fight. I cannot describe what the fight was so I am going to show you a picture:

Ok so we lied, you can describe it. They shook hands. They shook hands until one of them died!

The movie lost all creditability with us. We are sure there was some existential point about how we are NOW trading our life for stuff and junk we don’t need, and no matter how well we do, things just get harder to compensate. Doesn’t matter. They shook hands. The epic showdown was a cordial greeting.

So watch In Time and the part where the showdown happens just close your eyes and imagine this: