Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Telling you what to watch...

Django: Unchained

So, we at State Controlled Media have been watching a lot of cinema these days. We like movies, we don’t have to have a reason to watch one but on this particular night the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor and Mrs. PSBE  had a date night. We had a romantic dinner (WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT’S ALL WE GET FOR $50!!?!?!) and decided to go see a movie about  a man who was so desperately in love with his wife that he would doing anything to get her back after being separated by forces out of their control. (at least that is how I described it to the wife.)
So we get to the theater and the inevitable happens. I have to pee. I make my way to the men’s room (Still waiting on the private facilities just for the PSBE) to do my business. It was flooded. Not with a stream of anxious men hoping to recycle the big $8 soda they drank in an efficient manner in order to go back to the movie they are missing. No, it had a waft of standing water mixed with urine, spit and maybe discarded chewing tobacco (at least we hope the brown floaty stuff was tobacco).  There were only two options, pee right there on the bathroom floor turned pseudo  toilet or trudge in use the urinal and burn my shoes.
My feet squeaked on the way back to my seat. I forgot to burn my shoes, and now I can’t remember what pair I wore. SCM headquarters is contaminated…

Django Unchained stars  this guy:
No This Guy:

He is held captive by a white Hitman who makes him do his bidding:

No that’s not right. The guy in Django can act. 

 Listen, it was a great movie that made white people squirm at the blatant racism being thrown in their faces and making people feel something in a movie is a good thing. It was a gross movie but after the theater bathroom I was unfazed.
So go see it.   (P.S. Leonardo DiCrappro dies in the movie and that is also always a good thing)