Friday, July 8, 2016

Telling you what to blog...Build your to-do list

Ok this idea is more challenging than I thought, I started with #3 last week and moved down to #22 because it is easier than 4-21. The to-do list.
 Rather than show an example I thought it may be interesting to show how to craft one. First lets look at a weekday; we all have certain things that have to be done every day. some of those things change depending on time of year and other external factors. So I am not going to be all encompassing here and just look at me. Things that have to happen every weekday. Work, eat, bathroom breaks, sleep, kids to school/activities. Now, other things happen during the day like watching YouTube, reading playing games naps and snacking. so how do you build the list? start with priority of items

1. Work/Kids/Wife  all tied for first; you have to deal with them everyday.

2. Eat/games/bathroom (your priorities may differ)

3. Paint

4. Watching YouTube (or Netflix/TV again personal preference)

5. Reading (cereal box does not count, or text messages-But, this blog DOES!)

6. Nap/snacks

7. Sleep

8. Blog (not really a priority, but hey just trying to give a little love)

Now, just by listing tasks that have to be done and ranking priority; you have created a de facto to-do list.

Everything under one and two are optional and can be replaced with other tasks that need to be accomplished. For the weekend just remove work and swap 7 and 8.