Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dealing with a bad Idea

We at State Controlled Media have learned of a disturbing trend. Adult Footy pajamas. This is full body suit pajamas that cover everything from the neck to the feet. We cannot condemn this enough. There is no way that the male dominated State Controlled Media would want women to utilize sleepwear that covers their entire body and requires intricate preparation in the event you want to remove them. A warning to all men; if she puts them on, they ain't coming off. Look at this image
Once she has this fleece monstrosity on she is not in the party mood. Also, no trap door!
We have decided in the interests of our followers having to do too many loads of wash (The State Controlled Media is environmentally conscious you know) and saving marriages throughout the land we have offered an alternative. We know these will be popular with the ladies so men you have to get in front of this by getting her these:
Escape hatch included for easy egress or ingress! Watch for the SCM Store to purchase!