Saturday, October 15, 2011

Moving and shaking

We at State Controlled Media are very happy to announce that we experienced record traffic to the blog. It is thanks to you, the followers and contributing editors. It is impossible for State Controlled Media to permeate all of society without your help and support, and dirty pictures. Seems We didn't hit our record traffic until the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor  made the decision to put half naked people on the blog. Apparently you people are enticed by good looking people sans apparel. In many other arenas this would be a cause of concern, but not at State Controlled Media. We say...welcome home. You have found a place you belong. For this is not just a place for wholesome family entertainment but also a have for you, the sick and demented. We kind of have to be...after all State Controlled Media is of everyone. So, in honor of all you...Thanks, for being the sick and twisted group that you are.