Tuesday, October 11, 2011

An apology

We at State Controlled Media had a big weekend. You may have noticed the lack of posts; mainly that is due to the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor being sequestered doing home improvements (Even the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor has to answer to the wife). More importantly, the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor is a sports fan and he roots for The St. Louis Cardinals, The Detroit Tigers, The Kansas City Chiefs, The University of Michigan, and the Jefferson City Jays. If you don't follow sports (You should start) we will spare you the details, if you are a sports fan you would know most of what happened. Most don't know but the JC JAYS ended a 12 year drought loosing to the Rockhurst Hawklets! So, we at the state controlled media have dictated a sports holiday no matter what teams you root for or if you have no sports allegiance feel free to support the official teams of State Controlled Media! Tattoos are encouraged!