Friday, November 18, 2011

People Who Did us Wrong: Branson Edition

Overall we thought the People of the City of Branson were polite and helpful. The visitors to the fine city were a mixed bag though. Some instances were plain rudeness (like old people cutting in lines), some were strange or surreal (like the teen boy leaning on the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor), and one incident in particular was both. A B!t@H stole our toast. We were at our hotel and the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor was making raisin toast for daughter #1. An elderly lady walked up and took the toast from the toaster and walked away...while smiling at us! I mean what the hell? Its not like there was not a loaf of bread right there. I guess that with so few hours left on Earth she could not stand to wait the time it took to to toast bread...we hope you are happy with your purloined
toast, we hope it did not taste bitter and was hard to swallow with all that sadness and regret that it was buttered with.