Thursday, November 17, 2011

Telling you what to eat, Branson edition...

Mrs. Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor and daughter Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor #’s 1 and 2 enjoyed a giant cinnamon roll in Silver Dollar City. This Cinnamon roll was so enticing that while we waited for Mother Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor to get her electric scooter (more on that later) it seemed every 5th person stopped, smelling the aroma coming from the bakery and said “Oh, that smells good.” So we thought about telling you if you do nothing else drive, fly, boat or hitchhike to Branson to try these. That is until the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor spotted this:

It is common knowledge that Éclairs are a superior form of all pastries but the fine folks at Eva & Delilah's Bakery have taken it to a new level. It has Custard and whipped cream! Just look at it…LOOK AT IT! What else do we have to say?