Wednesday, November 16, 2011


We at State Controlled Media took a road trip this past weekend, we went to Branson Missouri. Those of you unfamiliar with Branson let us get you up to speed.  Branson is the entertainment capitol of the Ozarks. It is where has-beens and never-was’ go to entertain. So why wouldn’t we want to go? It is the home Of Silver Dollar City. This is a theme park that recreates authentic Ozark living from a century ago. You would have to travel hundreds of…feet to see this style of living once you leave the park.  We were there to view the authentic Christmas displays (it is November) in the park and our hotel (which had a castle theme, and had a pirate room!) We will break down the trip into different segments to detail our adventure in the Ozarks. It may sound like we are mocking the experience but we really had a good time. Those on the trip include the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor, Mrs. Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor, Mother Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor and daughter Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor #’s 1 and 2. More to come…