Friday, December 9, 2011

Bad to good...

We were reviewing our review off the Twilight Movie: Breaking Dawn Part 1. we decided to ask a question why must the movie always suck more than the book? Imagine as bad as Twilight is as a book the movie is worse. Must it be that way? Even at its Hollywood magic best the movies are only as good as the book (Lord of the rings, Harry Potter, Godfather.) This proves the point. The books in which these movies were based off of were not the greatest works of literature yet they still were able to produce the bases of which were some of the best movies ever made. A decent book makes a great movie but a great book makes a shitty movie? It is not even like the movie is shitty compared to the book; the movie is just shit. So we have a proposal, we are going to try and take a great movie into a really shitty book. Or a really crappy movie and make it a great book. Now the movie cannot have been based off of a book. We have checked into this and the securing the rights to a movie script to turn into a book could be problematic. We began looking into the public domain for inspiration but most were real crap. We will let you know how it goes...