Tuesday, January 17, 2012

SCM Compound Update...

Construction on the State Controlled Media Compound began in earnest this past weekend. In essence all we really did was clean-up and getting the site ready. Eventually the SCM mobile (non-mobile) command center will be permanently affixed to the site; but the area needed cleaning first.  We took to the task with relish. We set a giant fire and proceeded to burn anything that would. An old out house, shrubs, brush piles, old furniture, discarded tires and bodies form the shallow graves; nothing was spared. Then we hauled off the things that would not burn; major appliances (Fridge, washers, dryers, etc…), 100 year old scrap metal, discarded uranium…etc.  All in all it was a good day. We still have a lot to do before the excavator comes (a guy with a lawn tractor). For instance; we have to consider pest removal. Felling trees that house those annoying Eagles nests. Yeah, yeah we know; “Its an Eagle! They are so majestic and regal” We know…blah, blah, blah. Let us just ask you one question. Do you like it when a sparrow poops on your car? Enough said. Victory PSBE! We will keep you updated…