Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Telling You What to Watch…

Beauty and the Beast: 3D

We know the movie is 21 years old and you probably have it on DVD; but it looks so cool in 3D! If you don’t want to shell out half your paycheck to go see a movie you already own watch it again to review it for the following synopsis. You may not know this but the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor is a Disney Geek and one of his favorite movies is Tron, but he really likes Beauty and the Beast. This past weekend he took children PSBE to the movies to see it. During the viewing he had a thought (Editor Note: if you have not seen it, do not read this. We are skipping a lot assuming you already know what we are talking about. Since the movie is over twenty years old we do not feel the need to do the whole *****SPOILER ALERT***** thing.) Why is Gaston a bad guy? What was his crime? Loving too much. He, like every other red blodded male, fell in love with Belle.  We Grant that he was rude obnoxious and unlikable at times but was he that bad? While fleshing this out we wound up discussing this with a contributing editor.
PSBE: Why didn’t Bell give Gaston a chance?
CE: He was not nice.
PSBE: What did he do that the beast didn’t?
CE: What do you mean?
PSBE: Well, they were both rude to her, obnoxious, demeaning. Gaston tried to lock up Belles father to get him to marry him; the beast locked up belles father unless she lived with him forever.
CE: But the beast liked to read and Gaston thought books were dumb.
PSBE: We don’t know that. We do know the beast had a huge library that looked unused and it was inferred in the intro the as a boy he was boorish. In fact he cared so little for the library he just gave it away.
CE: I see your point.
PSBE: I just don’t see how they were different. It is like they were the same character. Beast: big hairy guy. Gaston: “every square inch of him is covered in hair!”
CE: True.
PSBE: plus Gaston could do a crazy good strut while standing in place!
CE: Very True, but…
PSBE: But What?
CE: Gaston had black hair. The beast didn’t.
PSBE: Touché…
We still haven’t changed our position. Belle has always been our favorite princess because she fell in love with the ugly, scary prince. The other princesses had it easy with the suave, good looking guys. We still think Gaston should have received further consideration.  
 Besides look at them: One of them is the beast and one is Gaston

Now a note to Microsoft: REALLY? Spell check does not recognize Tron?? There has been two major movies and merchandise. To be fair it recognizes TRON but I can put about any combination in all caps and it won’t error it. LKIE TIHS, YUO CNA DO IT ALL DYA.