Sunday, July 22, 2012

Telling You What to Watch…

Recently, Mrs. PSBE purchased a new automobile. Said automobile came with a limited free subscription to Sirius XM . This satellite radio has a channel called backspin. This is old rap and hip-hop music. This is one of the PSBE’s favorites. Once while driving down the street the first few notes of a 2 LIVE CREW song came on. With cat like reflexes the PSBE had the station changed before the State Controlled Media Children could hear what was coming. This story may not seem pertinent to what comes next but trust us.

We at state controlled media went to see the Dark Knight Rises. Coming in at a svelte one hour and fortey-four minutes, we expected a slow plodding boring movie; or a movie that was trying to fit to much into one movie as is common in the third movie of franchises (talking to you Sam-Spider Man 3-Raimi). We were pleasantly surprised that the movie held our attention the whole time and was a pleasure to watch. Without giving to much away it was a gripping tale of turmoil and betrayal, of torment and hard choices, sacrifice and  commitment.

It was a drama that could be held up to some of the best Oscar winners of years past. It was that good, but we could not help leaving the theater a little disappointed. We know, it is difficult to reconcile how good the movie was and how sad we were when we left. It maid the PSBE hum a song on the way home:

“Everybody say heeeeeeyyyyyy we want some Bat Man…” if you are familiar with 2 LIVE CREW (sorry) you know the song. If you are not- DO NOT LOOK IT UP- trust us the allusion is hilarious. The character missing the most from the latest Batman movie was…Batman. He was just a minor character. We didn’t get this guy:

This Guy:

This Guy:

OR even this sad rendition:

No all we got was this guy:

Great actor, great actor. We loved him from Empire of the Sun. in fact the movie has a cast of some great actors and it uses their talents well. Even in the most understated roles it comes through to the viewer how powerful the performance was. This movie truly had to be a labor of love of Christopher Nolan. It truly was a masterpiece. Even if it did make us a little sad.