Sunday, July 22, 2012

Words of Wisdom from SCM...

We at State Controlled Media  took a little vacation from bloging for the last month. While we are away we did keep track of our stats, we were neither surprised or disappointed to learn that our most popular post for the last month was the  Hot Naked Chicks, Hot Naked Men post. Possibly the most lame post we ever put up as a little social experiment proves time and again to validate our theory that you are all sick and twisted. Well done.

We knew it was time to start up again when we were overcome by the burning desire to entertain, enlighten, educate and amuse. (I.e. Mrs. PSBE said “Are you ever going to get back to your blog?) So here we are, back at it. During our time away we were bombarded with internet memes. This wouldn’t be a problem under normal circumstances; however these once cleaver and entertaining memes have become unfunny and repetitive. We started ignoring them until we saw this one:

Totally absurd. The PSBE had a succinct response: