Monday, August 20, 2012

Maybe it is Just Us but...

Normally we at State Controlled Media claim the mantel of kings of propaganda. However we know when we have been bested. You may have been following a news story out of the former Soviet Union about a protest concerning the imprisonment of a punk rock band. U.S. pundits would have you believe this is getting so much attention due to the nature of the protests. It’s over free speech and feminism. We knew little about it as we try not to pay attention to the competitors. The Big Scary Editor suggested we look it up. So we Googled “Russian Riot” and we immediately understood why this protest turned riot has garnered so much attention.  The “images” section came up with its previews concerning the news we just asked for info on and we saw this:

Russia has turned its abuse of free speech into a brilliant marketing campaign.  We also saw this:

You see what we mean?  Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Even with our formidable intellect we could not begin to hope that we could turn human rights violations and suppressing the feminist voices into a marketing campaign. What is even more amazing is that the protesters are playing right into the governments hands. It may not appeal to all men. But We suspect that when word gets around there will be droves of men going to Russia looking to Free Pussy.

Sorry feminists…

The original photos are bellow