Monday, October 17, 2011

Back to the farm

We at State Controlled Media took a trip to the country over the weekend. We were allowed the chance for our children to saddle and exploit the free will of gentile unassuming beasts of burden.  And like all good children of the State Controlled Media they took to it like champs! We could not have been more excited for them. It is a lesson we all have to learn early... how to straddle and impose your will on another (then have a nice snack while a mean-ass rooster chases you around). It got us thinking, what better place for a child to learn the harsh realities of life than a farm. Everything is utilized and little is sacred. There is little on a farm that has no purpose and the things that become obsolete are often just discarded where they lay and left to rot away and go back to the earth from whence it came. So, a special thanks goes out to the contributing editors who made it possible. We would encourage all of you if you have the chance to go to a farm or ranch; take it. You will not be disappointed. A little scared or disgusted maybe, but not disappointed. There are lessons to be learned in the natural world.