Thursday, October 20, 2011

Telling you what to eat…

Deep fried Biscuits. This is so easy, just open a can of biscuits and drop them in hot oil. Flip once after 2-3 minutes then pull them out after another 2-3 minutes. We at State Controlled Media never stop with just that; no sir. Now, you can add all kinds of stuff to the center of the dough before you drop the in oil. For instance; Cheese and bacon, pepperoni and cheese, cream cheese (regular or flavored), Nutella (possibly the greatest food stuff on earth) as well as a many other assorted meats. You can just about put anything in there just be sure to pinch the edges hard to make sure it doesn’t fall out. An additional touch; if you put cinnamon and sugar on the inside you could always put a light glaze on them fresh out of the fryer…talk about good. Remember; if it ain’t bad for you it ain’t good!

P.S. We almost forgot! Put and Oreo Cookie in a biscuit and fry it then roll in powdered sugar you won't be sorry!!!