Monday, October 3, 2011

A tale of two cerebral cortex

It has been proven scientifically that men and women have brains that function differently. I know shocker, right? Factor in environmental and sociological stressors and the void grows. The purpose of this epistle is not to point by point delineate the differences in the male and female brain; instead it is to draw upon a pop culture reference to illustrate, in a metaphorical sense, personality variations. It came to me in a light discussion with co-workers.

The pop culture reference I am going to use is That 70’s Show. The men of the show represent the men of real life and the women do the same. When I say that I don’t mean to infer that one single character represents any one person. No, I say that this show’s characters taken together reproduce the psyche of either sex. This is part one of a three part expose that will break down the differences in the sexes based on the static characters in That 70’s Show. Most of the times these characters operate separate from each other and deal with the morass of their lives occasionally the characters come together to confab in the “circle” in this aspect you can see how the mind operates in conjunction with the various conflictions we all have. Stay tuned...