Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Word From the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor

Greetings, cohorts. Yesterday was a historic day for State Controlled Media. We reached further and farther than ever before. It is all thanks to your efforts. By forcing State Controlled Media onto others you have spread the disinformation and we thank you for it. But our work is not done; there are still dissenters, people who have not fallen under the hegemonic control of the State Controlled Media. Hopefully the content of the blog will be interesting enough to guile innocents into reading and then they too will become conspirators in league with the State Controlled Media. As always YOUR contributions are always welcome. If you have an idea or would like to see The State Controlled Media focus its partisan eyes on a topic drop us a line (and you will receive none of the credit).
Remember you don’t need to follow us…State Controlled Media Follows YOU!