Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A tale of two cerebral cortex part 2

That 70’s Shows’ circle scenes juxtapose the various personalities of each character against each other while dealing with a single problem they all share. The show then goes out and watches them as they each deal with their solutions. Each character’s personality dictates the response they will give; we contend that each person represents a part of the (in this case) male brain. (Female interaction in parenthesis.)
Eric-feminine, introspective, sensitive, tender and caring. He is often ridiculed and subjugated. (He is what women say they want.)
Hyde-suspicious, devious, deceitful, and brutally honest-By all accounts a despicable person yet loved by the group. Catalyst for violence at times. Ambivalent to all things feminine. ( What women really want; dangerous bad boy.)
Kelso-most masculine, vibrant, libidinous, dishonest, virile-Man’s man and ladies man what every guy wants to be outwardly. Confused by all things feminine. (What men believe is what women want.)
Fez-Inquisitive, socially awkward, shy but flamboyant, frustrated by all things feminine. What most men are. Ignored by the other parts of the circle as irrelevant. (What women get after they are dumped by the bad boy and they are no longer a viable choice for the pretty boy and the sensitive guy they say they wanted has already been taken.)
Red-Aggressive, hostile, protector, demanding borderline abusive. Not part of the circle, but these are the father traits and fun has no place in fatherhood. Often his ideas are the one that are proven to be correct.
Combined each of these person can be combined to expose the major portions of the male mind. Depending on what environmental stressors a man is exposed too, will dictate what trait will be dominant.
Part 3 coming soon…