Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Trip from the 60’s…the 1860’s Part 2

Horse squeeze aside we did enjoy our time at the commemoration. The players reenacted the fake battle of Herman.
                Side note-there is one Civil war grave in Herman which was held in some reverence by the visitors who felt the brave soldier should be honored, local tradition tells that he died in a bar fight, but whatever.
The local displayed a real 1860’s working farm. From boot-making to music; the place had it all. There was bona fide cuisine for the era that you could sample. The food tended to lean in the distinct southern style. Which brings me to a point; the historians point out that the real causes of the civil war were entirely economic and everything else was so much window dressing.
We can tell you for sure this is 100% accurate. A two ounce cup of black-eyed-peas and sausage cost $2! And a glass of lemonade was $3! No wonder the south wanted to form its own economic system. We asked if the food was authentic and was told that it was. Adjusted for inflation the little bit of stew would cost you and me about $48; and the lemonade would have been nearly $75! It was good lemonade but not that good.