Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Branson Edition: Trail of Tears, Trail of Lights...

During our travels in Branson we wandered across the advertizement that offered the opportunity for the paying customer to traverse two and one-half miles of forestry with appropriately lighted adornments. Now we had just seen a faux Osage mountain municipality gussied up with over six million Christmas lights. The need to see an additional 2.5 miles of lights-as much as the PSBE loves lights, this seemed an excessive use of time. We tried to explain to Mrs. PSBE the logistical problem at hand. The traffic was moving at a snails pace through the winding, wooded road. We told Mrs. PSBE that it would take an hour to get through.

Mrs. PSBE: “...I don't understand? Why?”

We explained that a 2.5 mile road at 2.5 miles per hour would mean it would take an hour to get through.

Mrs PSBE: “I see (she didn't)...whatever as long as it doesn't cost to much.

Cost!? Why would we pay money to see an illuminated forest? The PSBE pointed out that if anyone accompanying him wanted to see this section of of the world illuminated they were welcome to stay until the next day and view it for free. There is nearly nine hours of daylight this time of year.