Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Birthday

We at State Controlled Media make it a Comandment Law Order policy not to acknowlege individuals. But since we have supreme authority of all mankind!!! run the site we can break the rules...
Today, the 30th of November, is the birthday of a major influence of the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor. Like the PSBE Samuel Langhorne Clemens was born in the great state of Missouri. Mr. Clemens was an abject failure at everything he tried until he took pen to paper and began to point out the fallacies, vanities and hypocrisies of the human condition. As the PSBE has learned it is possible to say anything you want and be as harsh as you like as long as the object of your intended ire also laughs, or that there is enough people around to laugh and swear that you meant no harm. Mr. Clemens often took positions that were outside of what would be socially acceptable at the time and to this day seem a little out of place (on the other hand many of us would be out of place in anytime). We believe that Mr. Clemens was celebrated in his time only because no one knew what else to do with him…the execution of smart asses is generally frowned upon.  His wit is unequalled and his style is unmatched 100 years since his death. So without his knowledge or consent (just the way we like it), Mark Twain is an honorary contributor to the site. If he were still alive we would not acknowledge his existence and we would take credit for his work. If he were here we hope he would call this blog irreverent, coarse, vulgar, and ribald.