Thursday, December 1, 2011

Telling you what to watch-Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World…

A long drawn out narrative would not do any good here. The movie is so diverse that we at State Controlled Media  feel the best way to do this is to list the reasons to watch:
-Crazy Ex girlfriends each with unique idiosyncrasies.
-Crazy Ex boyfriends each with special ass kicking powers.
-Righteous punkish rock soundtrack.
-Lesbian half Ninja
-Asian catholic school girl who kicks ass and is a little crazy.
-Massive video game references.
-Director Kevin Smith said that after watching the movie “nobody is going to understand what the fuck just hit them.”
So there you have it. It is by far the most unique movie we have ever seen. In an effort to be balanced here are a few reasons that you may hate the movie:
-Crazy Ex girlfriends each with unique idiosyncrasies.
-Crazy Ex boyfriends each with special ass kicking powers.
-Righteous punkish rock soundtrack.
-Lesbian half Ninja
-Asian catholic school girl who kicks ass and is a little crazy.
-Massive video game references.
-Director Kevin Smith said that after watching the movie “nobody is going to understand what the fuck just hit them.”