Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ask The Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor…

We at State Controlled Media have been very interested in doing some interviews of well known people. So far no one has been brave enough to accept our offer. So itching to do an interview we decided to interview the most interesting person we know, the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor. We felt this is such a good idea that we want to milk it for all its worth make it last for your enjoyment. So we will ask the PSBE one question at a time for as long as it takes for someone else to agree to be interviewed. First we did some background work on the types of questions you people care about. So our first question to the PSBE is this:

SCM: “What do you think of Twilight?”

PSBE: “Ahh…twilight. It is that wonderful time when the world is neither light nor dark before dawn and dusk. The dawn where the world is full of infinite possibilities and at dusk when the struggles of the day can be put to rest and life can ease into a peaceful slumber. The cascade of colors and light can entice even the most disillusioned and spark the imagination beyond…

SCM: “Um…PSBE…that is not the twilight we are talking about. We meant this:

PSBE: “Oh…I see. Yes well the ladies seem to like it.”

So there you have the first of a series of questions to the PSBE. Check back often for more riveting responses from our fearless leader.