Monday, January 2, 2012

News Report...

Great news! The State Controlled Media Compound has officially broken ground! Construction will begin this spring and soon the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor will have a quiet retreat to focus on plans For World Domination a better site. This is good news for you our followers. The bad news is that between getting the compound ready and the planed escapes to said compound, the content flow will be interrupted. We will try and compensate for this as much as possible. But it is inevitable that the site will be neglected for days at a time during the warmer months. We will give update on our progress but not the location. In the mean time hear are a few thoughts from contributing editors.

-Mom's boobs are warm.
-Its a poop but not a giant one.
-Bring on your super potato power!

The PSBE was corresponding with a contributing editor in Egypt yesterday. He reminded us that not everywhere is as peaceful and calm as SCM headquarters. We wish him well and he wanted to express his wish that the world could live in peace. If we can achieve nothing else this year we hope to bring a laugh to those who need it a a nice diversion if only for a minute or two. We are also getting some more well known authors (who will remain anonymous) willing to be exploited contribute to the site. Many feelers have been sent out and negotiations are under way in a few instances (some want money and our response was “don't we all”).