Saturday, February 25, 2012

Telling You What to Watch...


Starring Chris Pine (AKA, Captain James Tiberius Kirk)

 and Denzel Washington. The movie is about a runaway train and two unlikely heroes attempt to stop it. Capt. Kirk is the new guy, Denzel is the salty vet. Kirk is having marital problems and Denzel’s wife is dead.  They have a myriad of other personality conflicts that make it difficult for them to work together. When they are face with a precarious situation where lives are in danger they must find a way to put their differences aside. The movie was interesting as long as you ignore the HUGE plot holes and odd narrative.  We at State Controlled Media can firmly and confidently tell you not to watch it.

What’s that? You thought we were telling you to watch Unstoppable? NO. If you want to watch a movie about a black guy and white guy who barley know each other thrust into a conflict while trying to stop a runaway train watch Silver Steak.

 It stars Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor. A much better movie with great acting and fun. It is so un-pc it could not get made today. Take some time and watch it just to remember that we used to have fun and we were able to laugh at ourselves.