Wednesday, October 26, 2011

International Greetings!

The statistics are in…and it is official. State Controlled Media knows no borders. This website has readers form all over the world. And since we at State Controlled Media recognize no official government it is ok for all of our readers to follow us and do our bidding  enjoy our content. We have a strong following in Mother Russia, Germany (no surprise there), Austria, the UK ( more than once we have been mistaken for the BBC), Turkey and now Australia. This made us think of a question: When you go to Australia from the USA, at what point are you no longer traveling away from the USA and are headed back again?

So, Welcome all of our readers and followers from around the globe.  WE appreciate you. A contributing editor suggested that we welcome our global readers in their native language but the Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor pointed out that none of us could speak UKish and Australian. So we came up with a compromise a “universal” compromise
That’s Klingon for Hello (really it kind of means “what do you want” but you get it).